Monday, 2 September 2013

Notes of p-block

Group 15 Elements – Nitrogen Family
Members of the family: Nitrogen is the first member of the group VA. Other members of this group are phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb) and bismuth (Bi).
Nitrogen is a non-metal. The non-metallic character of the VA group decreases on going down the group:

1.Write the general outer electronic configuration of group 15 elements
General outer electronic  configuration is [NG] ns2 np.
2. What are the common oxidation states shown by these elements?
These elements have five electrons in the valence shell. These elements can gain three electrons to complete their octets. Hence show -3 oxidation state.In addition to - 3 oxidation state, the elements of group 15 exhibit +3 (due to inert pair effect) and +5 oxidation states (by losing all 5 electrons). For e.g., phosphorus forms pentahalides such as PF5, PCl5 (+5 oxidation state) and trihalides PCl3, PF3 (+3 oxidation state).
3. Nitrogen is chemically inert at room temperature while P is highly reactive
N2 is a triply bonded molecule and the bond dissociation energy of this molecule at room temp is quite high. Its small atomic size.
P on the other hand has only P-P single bond which is comparatively weaker.

4. The ionization energies of these elements is quite high
The larger ionization energy is due to - greater nuclear charge, small size and stable half filled configuration of the atoms npx1, npy1, npz1

5. The electronegativity values of elements of group 15 are higher than the corresponding elements of group 14.
The elements of group 15 have smaller size and greater nuclear charge of atoms and therefore they have higher electronegativity values.
6. Nitrogen can’t show +5 state while P can.  or   PCl5 exists but NCl5 doesn’t. Why?
P has vacant d orbital due to which it can extend its covalency to +5 and hence can form pentahalides. N on the other hand doesn’t have vacant d orbitals in its valence shell.
Nitrogen can’t show catenation but phosphorus can.
Nitrogen atom is quite small, & can satisfy its valency by forming pπ-pπ multiple bond  and thus do not show catenation property. Phosphorus and rest of the members of the family cannot be linked by multiple bonds due to their comparatively bigger size and weaker bond dissociation enthalpy& they undergo catenation and exists as poly–atomic molecules.

Ammonia has tetrahedral shape but doesn’t have bond angle of 109028’.
Ammonia has 3 bp and 1 lp. Due to bp-lp repulsion the bond angle reduces from 109028’ to 107.80

In earth crust nitrogen occurs as chile salt  petre  and Indian salt petre. Write  the  formula of both compound.
Chile Saltpetre – NaNO3                    Indian Saltpetre – KNO3.
On moving from As to Bi in group 15 only a small increase in  covalent radius is observed.
Due to presence of completely  filled d or f orbitals which have poor shielding effect and so the outer electrons experience stronger nuclear attraction.
Nitrogen exists as a diatomic molecule while phosphorus exists as tetra atomic.
 N has tendency to form  pπ   -  pπ multiple  bonds due to its small size but P being a bigger atom cannot form pπ   -  pπ multiple  bonds effectively and depends on two other P atoms to fulfil its covalency.
Nitrogen has maximum covalency of four.
Due to availability of only one s & three p orbitals for bonding and no vacant  d- orbitals in its outermost shell.
PH3 has lower b-pt. than NH3. Why?
PH3 molecules do not form intermolecular H-bonding due to less electronegativity of P while NH3 molecules form intermolecular H-bonds as N is  more electronegative in nature and thus PH3 has lower b-pt. than NH3.
PH3 is a weaker Lewis base than NH3
Both PH3 and NH3 have a lone pair of electron. But since the P atom is larger in size than the N the electron density over P is less compared to that in N.
NH3 is water soluble but PH3 is not.
NH3 can form strong intermolecular H bonding with water as N is more EN than P
PCl3 fumes in moist air.
PCl3 when comes in contact with moisture it forms HCl
                                    PCl3 +    H2O  →    POCl3  + HCl
PCl5 is ionic in solid state  Or solid PCl5 is ionic compound but in the liquid state and gaseous states it is covalent
Because it exists as  [PCl4]+ [PCl6]-  in solid state ie, in combination of 2 ions. This is not possible in liquid or gaseous states
PCl5 is highly unstable or PCl5 is a good chlorinating agent. Why ?
PCl5 has trigonal bipyramidal shape with bond angles of 900 and 1200.
PCl5 gets decomposed reality on heating to liberate Cl2, thus act as a chlorinating agent,    
PCl5                                    PCl3    +  Cl2 .
H3PO2 is a better reducing agent than H3PO3.
In H3PO2, two H  atoms are bonded  directly to P atom, while in H3PO3, only one H  atom is bonded directly to P atom. More the number  of H atoms bonded directly to P atom, more better reducing agent the oxy acid is.
NH3 is a good  complexing agent. Why ?  
Due to its small size, presence of  lone pair of e- on N and due to greater charge density
NO2 is coloured but its dimer N2O4 is colourless.
NO2  has an unpaired electron and it thus absorbs light from visible region and appears coloured. N2O4 does not have any unpaired electron and thus is colourless.
NO becomes brown when released in air.
NO reacts with O2 to form NO2 when released in air. NO2 so formed is brown in colour.
Arrange the following in decreasing order of the property indicated.
          a) NH3, PH3, ASH3, SbH3,  (basic strength).
               NH3   >   PH3      >  AsH3      >  SbH3.
 What happen when NH3/aq.NH3 is added to
a)    White ppt of AgCl.
AgCl(ppt)  +  2 NH3    →    [ Ag (NH)2  Cl ]
b)    aqueous FeCl3  solution.
FeCl3 (ag)  + 3NH4OH (ag)      Fe (OH)3      +   3NH4Cl                                                                                                                                
                                                  Brown ppt.
c)    aqueous CuSO4  solution.   
CuSO4(ag)    + 4NH3(ag)          [ Cu(NH3)4] SO4.
( pale blue )                           deep blue solution.
 Explain the chemistry of brown ring test for nitrates.
In this test, aqueous ferrous sulphate solution is added to the aqueous solution of the salt containing nitrates and then concentrate  H2SO4 is added along  the sides of the test tube. The brown ring formed at the junction of the solution and H2SO4 layers indicate the presence of nitrate ion in the solution. In this test Fe2+ ions reduce nitrates to nitric oxide which reacts with Fe2+ to form a brown coloured complex.
            NO3-  +  3Fe2+   +  4H+   →      NO   +  3Fe3+  + 2H2O.
            [Fe (H2O)6]2+     +  NO   →    [ Fe (H2O)5  NO  ] 2+    + H2O.
                                                        (brown  ring  complex.)
The elements of group 15 also show a tendency to form bonds with itself known as catenation. All these elements show this property but to a much smaller extent than carbon. For e.g., hydrazine (H2N-NH2) has two N atoms bonded together, hydrazoic acid, (N3H), has three N-atoms, azide ion, , has also three N atoms bonded together, while diphosphine (P2H4) has two phosphorus atoms bonded together. The lesser tendency of elements of group 15 to show catenation in comparison to carbon is their low (M-M) bond dissociation energies.
C – C
N - N
P - P
As - As
Bond energy

Ammonia has Hydrogen bonding
Nitrogen in its compounds with hydrogen shows hydrogen bonding though to a lesser extent than oxygen. For example, ammonia (NH3) shows intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

Oxides of Nitrogen
They range from N2O (oxidation state of nitrogen +1) through NO, N2O3, NO2, N2O4 to N2O5 in which the oxidation state of nitrogen is from +2 to +5.
Structures of the Oxides of Nitrogen
Manufacture of Ammonia : Haber's process
The manufacture of ammonia by Haber's process involves the direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen.
This reaction is, (a) reversible, (b) exothermic, and (c) proceeds with a decrease in volume. According to the Le Chatelier's principle, the favorable conditions for the formation of ammonia are,
Low temperature
The temperature should be remain as low as possible, (although at unusually low temperatures, the rate of reaction becomes slow). It has been found that the temperature, which optimizes the yield of ammonia for the reaction, is maximum at about 500°C.

High pressure
Since Haber's process proceeds with a decrease in volume, it is favored by high pressure. In actual practice, a pressure of 200 - 900 atmospheres is employed.
A catalyst is usually employed to increase the speed of the reaction. Finely divided iron containing molybdenum or alumina is used as a catalyst. Molybdenum or alumina (Al2O3) acts as a promoter and increases the efficiency of the catalyst. A mixture of iron oxide and potassium aluminate has been found to work more effectively.
Explain the structure of ammonia
Ammonia is a covalent molecule as is shown by its dot structure. The ammonia molecule is formed due to the overlap of three sp3 hybrid orbitals and orbitals of three hydrogens. The fourth sp3 hybrid orbital is occupied by a lone-pair. This gives a trigonal pyramidal shape to ammonia molecule. The H-N-H bond angle is 107.3°, which is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle of 109°28. This is because the lone pair - bond pair repulsions tend to push the N-H bonds slightly inwards. In liquid and solid states, ammonia is associated through hydrogen bonds.

Why is ammonia a strong Lewis base
Ammonia molecule has a strong tendency to donate its lone pair of
electrons of nitrogen to other molecules. Thus, it acts like a strong Lewis base. In aqueous solutions, NH3 ionizes in accordance with the reaction.

Explain the Industrial Preparation of nitric acid
On a commercial scale, nitric acid is manufactured through the Ostwald's process - the process of catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
Step1: Oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide
Ammonia is oxidized by air in the presence of Pt catalyst at 800°C to give nitric oxide.

Step 2: Oxidation of NO to NO2
The nitric oxide is oxidised by air at temperature below 100°C, to give nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Step 3:Formation of nitric acid
Nitrogen dioxide is then converted to nitric acid by absorbing NO2 in water, in the presence of air.
Draw the structure of nitric acid
Nitric acid is a monobasic acid and may be structurally represented as,
Explain the structure of nitrate ion
The nitrate ion, NO3- is isoelectronic with carbonate ion, CO32-. It is also a planar ion. The nitrate ion can be represented by the resonance structures shown below:
What is  aqua-regia?
A mixture of concentrated HCl and concentrated HNO3 (3 : 1 by volume) is called aqua-regia. It can dissolve noble metals like gold and platinum.

    NO2 exists as a dimer N2O4
    NO2 has an odd electron over it which makes it unstable. Hence it dimerises.
NO2 is coloured but its dimmer N2O4 is colourless.
NO2  has an unpaired electron and it thus absorbs light from visible region and appears coloured. N2O4 does not have any unpaired electron and it thus is colourless.
 NO becomes brown when released in air.
    NO reacts with O2 to form NO2 when released in air. NO2 so formed is brown in colour.

Group 16 Elements – Oxygen Family
Group 16  Elements- Oxygen(O), Sulphur(S), Selenium(Se), Tellurium (Te) and polonium (Po).
General Electronic Configuration: [Noble gas] ns2np4
Oxygen is highly electronegative in nature. It shows oxidation state of -2.
Sulphur and the rest of the elements are less electronegative and thus, exhibits  +2 oxidation state in their compounds. Their atoms have also have vacant d- orbital in their valence shell. As a result they can also show +4 (due to inert pair effect) and +6 oxidation state.
Oxygen gas exists as diatomic molecule. So, gas is also called dioxygen. It also occurs in three isotopic forms such as
The important physical values of atomic and molecular oxygen are listed below.
1. H2O is a liquid while H2S is gas.
Oxygen being more electronegative than Sulphur can form strong intermolecular        H –  bonding in H2O, it is liquid.
2. Sulphur in vapour state exhibits paramagnetism.
Sulphur in vapour state exists as S2 molecule. In this state it has  two unpaired     electrons in its antibonding π* 3py orbital and thus is paramagnetic. 
3. SF6 is not easily hydrolysed
Because S  is hexacovalent (+6 state) and for hydrolysis it has to form a co- ordinate bond with water. But since it  cannot further expand its  covalency beyond 6 it cannot undergo hydrolysis.

4. SF6  is less reactive than SF4.
This is so because S atom in  SF6 is more sterically hindered than in  SF4. Moreover SF4 contains lone pair of electrons on S atom that makes it  more reactive
5. Mention the conditions to obtain maximum yield of H2SO4 by contact process.
      i)  Low temperature of about 700 K.             ii)  High pressure of 2 atmospheres.
      iii)  Use of V2O5 as a catalyst.

9. Arrange the hydrides of group 16  in decreasing order of the property indicated.
          a) boiling point:                       H2O   >   H2Te    >   H2Se     >   H2S.
 Oxygen is the most EN element in gp-16 and hence can form strong intermolecular H- bonding. Other elements being less EN can’t form this. The bp of other hydrides depend on the van der Waal’s forces acting between them. As the size of atom increases this van der Waal’s forces also increases.

         b) thermal stability:     H2O   >   H2S    >   H2Se     >   H2Te
            As the size difference between H and the element M increases the bond between them  becomes
         c) acidic character:      H2O   <     H2S     <   H2Se       <   H2Te.
             As the size difference between H and the element M increases the bond between them  becomes
            Weak and the bond breaks easily releasing H+ ions

d)    reducing character:
As the size difference between H and the element M increases the bond between them  becomes
            Weak and release of H becomes easier.

10. H2S acts only as a reducing agent but SO2 acts both as reducing agents as  well as oxidizing agent.
      In H2S , S is in the oxidation state of -2 and it can only increase its oxidation state either to +4 or             +6 by losing electrons and thus acts only as reducing agent. In SO2,  S is an oxidation state of +4 and its can undergo oxidation to +6 or reduction to -2 state and  thus act as both reducing as well as oxidizing agent.
11. SF6 exists but SH6 and SCl6 doesn’t.
F is the most EN element and hence can oxidise S to +6 state by promoting it’s electrons to d- orbital. H and        being less EN can’t oxidise S.

12. SF6 exists but SCl6 doesn’t.
      Due to small size of S, six large Cl atoms cannot be accomodated around S atom. But small six F    
     atoms can be accomodated. Moreover Cl being less EN can’t oxidise S to +6 state.

13. SO2 has zero dipole moment.
SO2 has a trigonal planar structure with bond angle of 1200. The individual S-O bond dipoles get cancelled by the resultant of other two dipole moments.

14. Why is sulphuric acid highly viscous?
       Due to intermolecular H bonding
15.Draw the structures of: H2SO4, H2SO3, H2S2O6, H2S2O7, SF4.

Group 17 Elements – Halogen Family
Halogens are present in group 17 of the p-block. There are five elements which are named as fluorine(F), chlorine(Cl),bromine(Br),iodine(I),and astatine(At).
General Electronic Configuration: ns2p5.
Common oxidation state is -1. Other than this they can show +1, +3, +5 and +7 states too.
Atomic Radius (Aº)
Ionic Radius (Aº)
Ionization Energy (kJ mol-1)
Melting point (K)
Boiling point (K)
Electron affinity
Electro negativity

1.    All the halogens are coloured in nature.
Due to absorbtion of energy from the visible light by the molecules for the excitation of outer non-bonded electrons to higher energy levels.

Light yellow
Greenish yellow
Reddish brown
Dark violet

The amount of energy required for excitation depends upon the size of the atom. Fluorine atom is the smallest and the force of attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons is very large. As a result, it requires large excitation energy and absorbs violet 1ight (high energy) and therefore, appears pale yellow. On the other hand, iodine needs very less excitation energy and absorbs yellow light of low energy. Thus it appears dark violet. Similarly, we can explain the greenish yellow color of chlorine and reddish brown color of iodine.

2.    Bond dissociation enthalpy of F2 is less than that of Cl2.
The bond dissociation enthalpy for F-F bond is expected to be more than for Cl-Cl bond. But its actual value is less. This is because of high inter-electronic repulsions between non-bonding electrons present on the atoms in the fluorine molecule (F-F).
3.    Halogens can exhibit positive oxidation states too.
Oxidation State: Except F, all other elements have vacant d-orbitals in the valence shell to which one two or even three electrons can be promoted from the valence s and p-orbitals.Hence, F can show only -1 oxidation state in its compounds while the other halogens exhibits -1,+1,+3,+5 and +7 oxidation states.

4.    Halogens are good oxidising agents.
Since the halogens have strong electron accepting tendencies, they are powerful oxidizing agents. The oxidizing power is also related to the standard reduction potential(Eo) values. Greater the Eo value, more is the oxidizing nature.

       5. HF exists in liquid state while HCl is a gas   
The liquid state of hydrogen fluoride is attributed to the presence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the molecules due to their highly polar nature.

6.    Arrange the hydrides of group -17 in the decreasing order of:

a)    Thermal stability:  The stability of the hydrogen halides decreases from HF to HI.
As the size difference between H and the element M increases the bond between them becomes weak

b)    Reducing nature:  The reducing nature of the hydrogen halides is linked to their thermal stability.
As the bond strength weakens the release of H becomes easier. Thus, HF is the weakest reducing agent, whereas HI has the maximum reducing strength.   

c)    Acidic character: The acidic nature of the hydrogen halides is also linked to their thermal stability. As  the bond strength weakens the release of H+ becomes easier. Thus, HF is the weakest acid whereas HI strong acid.   
7. Compare the relative acidic strengths of oxo acids of halogens
(a) Acid strength of oxoacids of different halogens with the same oxidation state decreases with the increase in the atomic number.
More is the electronegativity of halogen atom greater will be its electron attracting tendency facilating the release of H+ ion from O-H bond. Thus, HClO is the strongest acid because the Cl is the most electronegative among all the halogens.

(b) Acid strength of the oxo acids of the same halogen atom increases with the increase in the oxidation number of the halogen atom.
HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO
   The order is explained by considering the relative stabilities of the anions that are formed by the release of H+ ions from the acids in solution.

8. Halogens have very high Ionization energies
The ionization energies of halogens are very high. This indicates that they have very little tendency to lose electrons. However, on going down the group from fluorine to astatine, the ionization energy decreases. This is due to gradual increase in atomic size, which is maximum for iodine. Consequently, it has the least ionization energy in family.

9. Cl has exceptionally higher electron affinity than F
 Fluorine has unexpectedly less electron affinity than chlorine. Therefore, chlorine has the highest electron affinity in this group. The lower electron affinity of fluorine as compared to chlorine is due to very small size of the fluorine atom. As a result, there are strong inter-electronic repulsions in the relatively small 2p subshell of fluorine and thus the incoming electron does not feel much attraction. Therefore, its electron affinity is small. Thus, electron affinity among halogens varies as: F < Cl > Br > I.
Chlorine has the highest electron affinity in the periodic table.

Interhalogen Compounds
The compounds containing two or more halogen atoms are called inter halogen compounds. Each halogen combines with every other halogen to form interhalogen compounds. For e.g., ClF, ICl3, BrF5 etc.
They are of two types:
(i) Neutral molecules containing two or more halogen atoms. For e.g., ICl, BrF5, IF5, IF7 etc.
(ii) Negatively charged interhalogen anions or polyhalide ions such as
The different (types of) interhalogens of the type AX (diatomic), AX3 (tetra atomic), AX5 (hexa atomic) and AX7 (octa atomic) are given below:
Some characteristics of inter halogen compounds are:
(i) They are covalent compounds.
(ii) They are more reactive than the constituent halogens. It is because A-X bond is relatively weaker than X-X bond.
(iii) They are very good oxidising agents.
(iv) Their melting and boiling points increase with the increase in the difference of electronegativity.
(v) Chlorofluoro hydrocarbons are known as Freons and are used as refrigerants. For e.g., Freon-11 is CCl3F, Freon-12 is CCl2F2, Freon-13 is CClF3 etc.
Sub Topics
The molecular structure of interhalogen compounds can be explained on the basis of VSEPR theory. The structures of a few interhalogens are shown in figure.

Introduction to Noble Gases
The elements helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) and radon (Rn) are grouped together in Group 18 of the Periodic Table. All of these are gaseous under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure. The last number of the group, radon is obtained from radioactive disintegration of radium. All others are present in air in traces. They are also known as rare gases because they are found in very small quantities in nature. They are highly non-reactive and do not take part in chemical combinations to form compounds like other elements and are, therefore, also called inert gases
The noble gases are a group of chemical elements with very similar properties: under standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases, with very low chemical reactivity. The six noble gases that occur naturally are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn).

Chemical properties

Neon, like all noble gases, has a full valence shell. Noble gases have eight electrons in the outermost shell, except in the case of helium, which has two.
The noble gases are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nonflammable under standard conditions. They were once labeled group 0 in the periodic table because it was believed they had a valence of zero, meaning their atoms cannot combine with those of other elements to form compounds. However, it was later discovered some do indeed form compounds, causing this label to fall into disuse.[11]
Like other groups, the members of this family show patterns in its electron configuration, especially the outermost shells resulting in trends in chemical behavior:
No. of electrons/shell
2, 8
2, 8, 8
2, 8, 18, 8
2, 8, 18, 18, 8
2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8
The noble gases have full valence electron shells. Valence electrons are the outermost electrons of an atom and are normally the only electrons that participate in chemical bonding. Atoms with full valence electron shells are extremely stable and therefore do not tend to form chemical bonds and have little tendency to gain or lose electrons.[24] However, heavier noble gases such as radon are held less firmly together by electromagnetic force than lighter noble gases such as helium, making it easier to remove outer electrons from heavy noble gases.

Compounds of xenon

Fluorides of xenon

The important fluorides of xenon are xenon difluoride(XeF2), Xenon tetrafluoride(Xef4) and xenon hexafluoride.

1. Xenon difluoride(XeF2)
It is prepared by heating a mixture of Xenon and fluorine in the ration 2:1 at 400 degree Celsius and 1 bar pressure in a sealed nickel tube.

Xe + F2 ---Ni----> XeF2

XeF2 undergoes hydrolysis when treated with water an d evolves oxygen.

2XeF2 + 2H2O -------> 2Xe + 4HF + O2

In XeF2, Xenon is sp3d hybridised and the molecule has linear structure as shown.

2. Xenon tetrafluoride (Xef4)
It is prepared by heating a mixture of Xe and F2 in the molecular ratio 1:5 at 400 degree Celsius and 6 atm in a sealed nickel tube.

Xe + 2 F2 ---------> XeF4

XeF4 react with water and produces explosive XeO3

6 XeF4 + 12 H2O ---------> 2 XeO3 + 4 Xe + 3O2 + 24 HF

In XeF4, Xenon is in sp3d2 hybridised state and has square planar geometry.

3. Xenon hexafluoride (XeF6)
It is prepared by heating a mixture of xenon and fluorine in the ration 1:20 at 300 degree Celsius and 60 atm in a nicked vessel.

Xe + 3 F2 --------> Xe F6

XeF6 Undergoes slow hydrolysis with atmospheric moisture producing highly explosive XeO3.

XeF6 + 3H2O --------> XeO3 + 6 HF

XeF6 molecule possesses distorted octahedral structure. The Xe atom in XeF6 is in sp3d3 hybridisation.

Oxides of xenon

1. Xenon trioxide (XeO3)

XeO3 prepared by slow hydrolysis of XeF6

XeF6 + 3H2O -------> XeO3 + ^ HF

XeO3 is soluble in water and its aqueous solution is weakly acidic.

XeO3 + H2O <_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-> H+ + HXeO4-

XeO3 has pyramidal structure in which Xe is in sp3 hybridisation.

2. Xenon tetroxide (XeO4)

It is prepared by treating barium perxenate (Ba2XeO6) with anhydrous sulfuric acid.

Ba2XeO6 + 2H2SO4 --------> XeO4 + 2BaSO4 + 2H2O

XeO4 is highly unstable and has tetrahedral structure


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